Berea College Goats
Website: www.berea.edu/anr/collegefarms.asp
This grower has a photo album.
The Berea College Goat core team members include Tiffany Hudson, Kevin George, and Rachel Howard, under the direction of Dr. Gary Neil Douglas, Associate Professor of Agriculture.
We have 29 Spanish does which have been selected for hardiness, parasite/disease resistance, and meat production. To add hybrid vigor to our herd, we have 5 Spanish/Kiko cross does and 2 Spanish bucks as well as a Kiko Buck. Replacements for goat breeding stock are selected from our own herds.
The team raises about 50-60 kids every year to market and sell. We work with the crops and maintenance as well as the mill enterprise to develop pasture and supplemental feed. We also utilize other under grazed areas of the farm as supplemental pasture to aid in nutritional stability. Currently, we are looking into co-grazing with either the cattle or swine team to cut down on parasites for all enterprises.
The team also assists Dr. Douglas with research to facilitate the move to a completely grass fed system for the goats, which we hope to implement in the very near future. As of now, our goats are looking better than they have ever looked and are producing wonderfully.
-Tiffany Hudson-Goat Core Team Manager